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Bass Fishing Tips

Bass Fishing Tips: Five Tips All Bass Anglers Need to Know

Bass Fishing And Everything You Need To Know

Bass fishing is one of my favorite types of fishing, and it can be done year round no matter the season. It can be challenging certain times of the year, but nothing comes easy all the time. You will hear many anglers complain about the challenges of bass fishing. The quest to catch the next monster bass is what keeps anglers fishing. There is a lot of research and science that goes into bass fishing. We have compiled several tips that we think are important to bass fishing.  Here are five tips that all bass anglers should consider to become a better bass fisherman.

Bass Fishing Tips #1: Find The Habitat And Find The Bass

Bass Habitat From The Yak

Finding The Best Bass Habitat From The Yak (Photo Credit: Petenester)

I am sure you are wondering what we meant when we say find the habitat? We merely imply, discover the cover or areas bass tend to hold up. As a bass angler, you are not going to go to the middle of the lake and cast. 99.9% of the time you will only be wasting your time. Bass anglers do their research before fishing and better understand the habitat that bass congregate. They look for structure, docks, grass or some other aquatic plant that often will hold bass. This is probably one of the most critical aspects of bass fishing. My dad always said, "Put the lure in front of the bass to guarantee the catch." I feel this goes hand and hand with our point.

Bass Habitat comes in many shapes and forms.  Often you will find bass around docks and other human-made structures. They use the pylons and other structural features as cover and find their food supply in baitfish that inhabit the area. Another excellent area for detecting the bass is near rocks. Often they will be near rocks because as the sun hits the rocks, it naturally warms the water near it. Many of your crawfish and other marine fish will bed in and around rocks. This is the perfect reason for bass to make a rocky area their home. Other areas that we often find bass are grass, lily pads and other marine aquatic plants that provide shelter and cover for bass to find food and ambush their prey.

Bass Fishing Tips #2: Fish With What The Bass Are Eating

Sunfish: Bass Bait

Bass are very aggressive fish. They tend to eat almost anything that swims across their face or walks up next to them on the bottom. They have a healthy diet of baitfish they feed on, for example, shad, brim, and sunfish. They love to feed on worms they find on the bottom and crawfish that live around debris. Baby ducks, lizards and any insect that can fall into the water will fall victim to a bass appetite. By knowing what the bass are eating in your area will help you understand what kind of lure and exact colors to throw. In my experience worms, lizards and crawfish on the bottom always grab the attention of nearby bass. Knowing the season and colors to throw is the key. If baitfish like shad are heavy in an area, then fish a swimbait or crankbait that resembles the shad. One type of fishing that I love to do for bass is topwater. Match the colors of dragonflies or any insects you see flying around to increase your chance of a hookup with a monster bass.

Bass Fishing Tips #3: Learn To Adapt And Accept Change

Bass Fishing Adapting

Adapting To Catch Bass (Photo Credit: Bass Anglers)

One of the downfalls of bass fishermen is the fact that we are creatures of habit. If you catch a bass in a specific area on a particular lure, chances are you will go back to it and try your luck again. This is a mentality that we must leave at the dock. The beauty of bass fishing is that every time you go, it will be different. Things that worked one time may not work the next. How you adapt to the situation could be the difference between a successful fishing trip. As a bass angler, you never want to become one dimensional. If you fish for 10 minutes with a lure and receive zero hits, switch it up. Apparently, the color you are using or the lure itself is not right. Be adventurous when bass fishing. Do not be afraid to try new areas. I remember as a kid we would go out on a substantial local lake (Lake Norman in Charlotte NC) and we never really ventured out of a large cove near the dock. Yes, we would usually catch enough bass to call the trips successful, but there was so much of the lake that we left unexplored in our quest for that monster bass. One part of adapting is willing to try new techniques. Every time I bring a friend fishing with me I learn something new. I tell people to be like a sponge, absorb all the information you hear on bass fishing because you never know when you will find a better way of doing something. Bass fishing should be fun, but do not be afraid to go outside your usual comfort zone. The results could be the bass of your life.

Bass Fishing Tips #4: Weather Will Make Or Break A Fishing Trip

Weather and Bass Fishing

Weather Affects Bass Fishing (Photo Credit: Western Bass)

Knowing the weather conditions will not only make you a better angler but will also keep you safe while out on the water. I keep several weather apps on my phone to keep me updated all the time with current weather conditions. Several of the best apps include but are not limited to Weather, ScoutLook Fishing, WINDY, and FishWeather. These are all free apps that will help you stay up with the weather. As all bass anglers know, the weather affects the fish. The changing weather can cause bass to feed one day and be dormant the next. One of the reasons to study the weather so often is because you will begin to see patterns for how it affects the bass. For example, on cloudy days bass usually are more active. This can dictate what kind of lure you fish with, from bass jigs, to spinnerbaits, swimbaits and topwater. When the weather is sunny, bass tends to become less active and often let their meal come to them. I have had success with throwing plastics that often will be fished right in front of their face. Knowing the weather will only make you a better bass angler, and there is no excuse for not knowing it nowadays with technology.

Bass Fishing Tips #5: Water Temperature Affect Bass Feeding Patterns

Watertemperature and bass fishing

Water Temperature and Bass Fishing (Photo Credit: Bass Pro)

Water temperatures can vary in certain parts of the country when it comes to bass fishing. The temperature of the water will always affect the activity levels and feeding patterns of bass. As the water temperature is cold, the bass will be less active. They are less active to conserve energy. This will affect you when fishing because you should never use fast acting lures in the winter. Save these crankbaits and chatter baits for the summer months when bass becomes more aggressive. Know the water temperature at all times. Most fish finders will give you an accurate water temperature. Several things anglers should think about is external things that affect water temperatures. Natural springs can lower the temperature; fish will move out of these areas in search of warmer water. One of the lakes I use to fish had a steam plant on it for power. They dumped heated water back into the lake that caused many of your fish to congregate in this area in the winter months. The better you understand water temperatures and how it affects the fish, the better bass angler you will be.

The quest to being an excellent bass fisherman is a science that is learned over time. Never give up or become discouraged with outcomes of a fishing trip. If you have any questions or concerns, then leave a comment below or email us at [email protected]. If you have other techniques that are as important, please share with the community. Send us all your bass fishing pictures to be featured on our social media page. By knowing these bass fishing tips, it will only make you a better bass angler and increase your chances of catching the next monster bass.


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